Can Two Dogs Live Together After a Fight?

It is not uncommon for dogs to fight, especially if they are not properly introduced or if they have not been properly socialized. However, if your dogs have fought, you may be wondering if they can ever live together again.

dogs live together after a fight

The answer is not always simple, but there are a few factors that can affect whether two dogs can live together after a fight. These factors include:

– The severity of the fight

– The age and temperament of the dogs

– The relationship between the dogs before the fight

– The presence of any underlying medical conditions

In this article, we will discuss each of these factors in detail, as well as some tips for helping your dogs live together after a fight.

Severity of the fight

The severity of the fight is one of the most important factors to consider. If the fight was minor, with only a few nips or scratches, there is a good chance that the dogs can be rehabilitated. However, if the fight was severe, with serious injuries or even death, it may be necessary to rehome one of the dogs.

Some signs of a severe fight include:

– Deep wounds or bleeding

– Broken bones or internal injuries

– Shock or trauma

– Loss of consciousness or death

If your dogs have had a severe fight, you should seek veterinary attention immediately. Your vet will be able to assess the extent of the injuries and provide the appropriate treatment. They will also be able to advise you on whether or not your dogs can live together again.

Age and temperament of the dogs

The age and temperament of the dogs can also play a role in whether they can live together after a fight. Younger dogs are generally more adaptable and easier to train than older dogs. Additionally, dogs with certain temperaments, such as those that are dominant or aggressive, may be more likely to fight again.

dogs live together after a fight

Some factors that can influence the age and temperament of the dogs include:

– Breed and genetics

– Early socialization and training- Hormonal status (spayed or neutered)

– Personality and preferences

If your dogs are young and have a mild or friendly temperament, you may be able to help them overcome their differences and live together peacefully. However, if your dogs are older and have a strong or hostile temperament, you may need to consider other options, such as keeping them separated or finding a new home for one of them.

Relationship between the dogs before the fight

The relationship between the dogs before the fight can also be a factor. If the dogs were previously getting along well, there is a better chance that they can be rehabilitated. However, if the dogs were already showing signs of aggression towards each other, it may be more difficult to get them to live together peacefully.

Some signs of a good relationship between the dogs include:

– Playing and grooming each other

– Sharing toys and resources

– Sleeping and resting together

– Showing affection and respect

Some signs of a bad relationship between the dogs include:

– Growling and snarling at each other

– Fighting over toys and resources

– Avoiding or ignoring each other

– Showing fear or dominance

If your dogs had a good relationship before the fight, you may be able to restore it by following some of the tips below. However, if your dogs had a bad relationship before the fight, you may need to accept that they are not compatible and look for alternative solutions.

Underlying medical conditions

In some cases, underlying medical conditions can contribute to dog fights. For example, a dog with a painful condition may lash out at another dog if it is touched in the affected area. If you suspect that an underlying medical condition may be contributing to the fights, it is important to take your dog to the vet for a checkup.

Some common medical conditions that can cause aggression in dogs include:

– Arthritis or joint pain

– Dental or ear infections

– Thyroid or adrenal disorders

– Brain tumors or seizures

If your dog has a medical condition that causes pain or discomfort, your vet will be able to prescribe the appropriate medication or treatment. This may help to reduce the aggression and improve the relationship between the dogs.

dogs live together after a fight

Tips for helping dogs live together after a fight

If you are determined to help your dogs live together after a fight, there are a few things you can do:

– Separate the dogs for a period of time. This will give them a chance to calm down and forget about the fight. You can use crates, gates, or separate rooms to keep them apart. Make sure they have their own food, water, toys, and bedding.

– Reintroduce the dogs slowly and gradually. Start by letting them see each other from a distance, and then gradually increase the amount of time they spend together. You can use treats, praise, and toys to reward positive behavior. You can also use a leash, muzzle, or head collar to prevent any unwanted incidents.

– Provide plenty of exercise and stimulation for both dogs. This will help to reduce their stress levels and make them less likely to fight. You can take them for walks, play games, or enroll them in a training class. Make sure they get enough physical and mental activity every day.

– Encourage positive interactions between the dogs. Feed them together, play games together, and take them for walks together. This will help to create a bond and a sense of teamwork between them. You can also use a clicker or a marker word to reinforce good behavior.

– Seek professional help if needed. If you are unable to resolve the issue on your own, you may need to consult a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They will be able to assess the situation and provide you with a customized plan and guidance. They may also suggest some tools or techniques that can help you and your dogs.


If your dogs have fought, it is important to assess the situation carefully before deciding whether or not they can live together again. If the fight was minor and the dogs have a good relationship, it is likely that they can be rehabilitated. However, if the fight was severe or if there are other underlying factors, it may be necessary to rehome one of the dogs.

The key to helping your dogs live together after a fight is to be patient, consistent, and positive. By following the tips above, you may be able to restore the harmony and haappiness in your household. However, if you are unsure or uncomfortable, do not hesitate to seek professional help. Your dogs deserve the best care and attention possible.

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