Natural Ways to Stop Your Dog From Drooling Too Much

Drooling is a normal and natural behavior for dogs. It helps them keep their mouth moist, digest food, and cool down. However, some dogs may drool more than others, and this can become a problem for both the dog and the owner. Excessive drooling can indicate a health issue, such as nausea, dental problems, or heatstroke. It can also make your dog uncomfortable, cause skin irritation, and create a mess around the house.

natural ways to stop your dog from drooling too much

Fortunately, there are natural ways to stop your dog from drooling too much. By identifying the cause of the drooling and applying some simple solutions, you can help your dog reduce the saliva production and keep them happier and healthier. Here are some tips on how to do that.

Identify the Cause

The first step to stop your dog from drooling too much is to identify the underlying cause. There are many possible reasons why your dog may drool excessively, such as:

  • Dental issues: Your dog may have a tooth infection, gum disease, or a foreign object stuck in their mouth that causes pain and inflammation. This can stimulate the salivary glands and make your dog drool more.
  • Heatstroke: Your dog may overheat in hot weather or after strenuous exercise. This can cause them to pant and drool more to cool down their body temperature. However, this can also lead to dehydration and organ damage if not treated promptly.
  • Allergies: Your dog may be allergic to something in their environment, such as pollen, dust, or food. This can cause them to itch, sneeze, and drool more as a reaction to the allergen.
  • Nausea: Your dog may feel sick due to motion sickness, eating something spoiled, or having a digestive disorder. This can cause them to drool more as a sign of nausea and vomiting.
  • Teething: Your dog may be teething if they are a puppy or an adult dog that is losing their baby teeth. This can cause them to drool more as they chew on things to relieve the discomfort and pressure in their gums.
  • Excitement: Your dog may drool more when they are excited, such as when they see you, their favorite toy, or food. This is a normal and harmless behavior that shows their happiness and anticipation.

To identify the cause of your dog’s drooling, you should observe their behavior and look for any signs of distress, such as pawing at their mouth, drooping eyes, lethargy, or loss of appetite. You should also check their mouth for any signs of injury, infection, or foreign objects. If you are unsure of the cause or suspect a serious health issue, you should consult your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

natural ways to stop your dog from drooling too much

Natural Solutions

Once you have identified the cause of your dog’s drooling, you can apply some natural solutions to help them stop drooling too much. Here are some of the natural solutions you can try:

  • Dietary Changes: Some foods can trigger drooling in dogs, such as spicy, sour, or salty foods. These foods can irritate the mouth and stimulate the salivary glands. To avoid this, you should feed your dog a bland diet that consists of boiled chicken, rice, and plain yogurt. This can help soothe their stomach and reduce the drooling. You should also avoid giving your dog human foods that are toxic to them, such as chocolate, grapes, onions, or garlic. You should consult your veterinarian for dietary advice and follow their recommendations.
  • Hydration: Proper hydration is essential for your dog’s health and well-being. It can also help prevent excessive drooling caused by dehydration. Dehydration can make your dog’s saliva thicker and stickier, which can make them drool more. To prevent this, you should provide your dog with fresh and clean water at all times and encourage them to drink regularly. You should also monitor their water intake and check for signs of dehydration, such as dry nose, sunken eyes, or reduced skin elasticity. You should consult your veterinarian if your dog shows any signs of dehydration or refuses to drink water.
  • Cooling Techniques: Overheating can cause your dog to drool more as they try to cool down their body temperature. To prevent this, you should keep your dog in a cool and shaded area, especially during hot weather or after exercise. You should also provide them with access to water and ice cubes to help them stay hydrated and cool. You should also avoid leaving your dog in a parked car, even with the windows cracked, as this can cause heatstroke and death. You should consult your veterinarian if your dog shows any signs of heatstroke, such as panting, drooling, vomiting, or collapse.
  • Chewing and Teething: Chewing can help your dog reduce drooling caused by teething or boredom. Chewing can massage the gums, relieve the pressure, and stimulate the production of saliva. However, not all saliva is bad, as it can also help clean the teeth and prevent plaque and tartar build-up. To help your dog chew safely and effectively, you should provide them with appropriate chew toys that are durable, non-toxic, and suitable for their size and age. You should also avoid giving them hard or sharp objects that can damage their teeth or cause choking. You should consult your veterinarian for recommendations on the best chew toys for your dog.
  • Cleaning and Hygiene: Drool build-up around the mouth can irritate the skin and cause more drooling. To prevent this, you should gently wipe your dog’s mouth with a damp cloth or a baby wipe after they eat, drink, or drool. This can help remove any food particles, saliva, or dirt that can cause inflammation and infection. You should also brush your dog’s teeth regularly to prevent dental issues that can cause drooling. You should consult your veterinarian for advice on how to brush your dog’s teeth and what products to use.
natural ways to stop your dog from drooling too much


Managing excessive drooling in dogs is important for their health and comfort. By identifying the cause and applying natural solutions, you can help your dog stop drooling too much and keep them happier and healthier. However, you should always consult your veterinarian for any concerns about your dog’s drooling, as it may indicate a serious health issue that requires medical attention. Remember, your dog’s drooling is not their fault, and they deserve your love and care.

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