Why Is My Dog Waking up Multiple Times a Night?

If you have a dog, you may have noticed that they sometimes wake up multiple times a night. This can be frustrating for both you and your dog, as it disrupts your sleep and affects your mood and energy levels. But why does your dog wake up multiple times a night? What are the possible causes and solutions for this behavior? In this article, we will explore the medical, behavioral, and environmental factors that may be affecting your dog’s sleep quality, and offer some tips on how to help your dog sleep better.

dog waking up multiple times a night

Medical Causes

One of the most common reasons why your dog may be waking up multiple times a night is because they are experiencing some kind of pain or discomfort. This could be due to an injury, arthritis, dental problems, or any other medical condition that causes your dog to feel uncomfortable. If your dog is in pain, they may whimper, pant, lick, or chew on the affected area, or show signs of restlessness or agitation.

Another possible medical cause for your dog’s frequent waking is a urinary tract infection (UTI). A UTI can make your dog feel an urgent need to urinate, which may cause them to wake up and ask to go outside. A UTI can also cause your dog to have accidents in the house, which can be stressful and embarrassing for both of you. Some signs of a UTI include blood in the urine, foul-smelling urine, difficulty or pain while urinating, or increased thirst.

Diabetes is another medical condition that can affect your dog’s sleep. Diabetes can cause your dog to have high blood sugar levels, which can make them feel thirsty and hungry. This can lead to your dog waking up multiple times a night to drink water or look for food. Diabetes can also cause your dog to have low blood sugar levels, which can make them feel weak, dizzy, or confused. This can also cause your dog to wake up and seek your attention or help.

Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) is a condition that affects older dogs and causes them to have cognitive decline. CDS can affect your dog’s memory, learning, perception, and behavior. One of the symptoms of CDS is disrupted sleep patterns, which can make your dog wake up multiple times a night or sleep more during the day. CDS can also cause your dog to forget their house training, become disoriented, or show signs of anxiety or depression.

Other medical conditions that can affect your dog’s sleep include kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, thyroid problems, allergies, or parasites. If you are concerned that your dog’s waking up multiple times a night may be due to a medical condition, take your dog to the vet for a checkup. Your vet can diagnose the problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment for your dog.

dog waking up multiple times a night

Behavioral Causes

Another reason why your dog may be waking up multiple times a night is because they are exhibiting a behavioral problem. This could be due to a number of factors, such as:

  • Separation anxiety: Separation anxiety is a condition that causes your dog to feel anxious or fearful when they are separated from you or their home. This can make your dog wake up multiple times a night to check on you or look for you, or to express their distress by barking, whining, or howling.
  • Boredom: Boredom is a state of mind that occurs when your dog does not have enough mental or physical stimulation. This can make your dog wake up multiple times a night to look for something to do, such as playing with toys, chewing on things, or exploring the house.
  • Need for attention: Need for attention is a behavior that occurs when your dog wants to interact with you or get your attention. This can make your dog wake up multiple times a night to nudge you, lick you, or paw at you, or to ask for food, water, or play.
  • Learned behavior: Learned behavior is a behavior that occurs when your dog learns that waking up multiple times a night gets them what they want, such as attention, food, or play. This can make your dog wake up multiple times a night to repeat the behavior that has been rewarded in the past.

If your dog’s waking up multiple times a night is due to a behavioral cause, there are a number of things you can do to help, such as:

  • Provide adequate exercise and mental stimulation: A tired dog is a good dog! Make sure your dog is getting enough exercise and mental stimulation during the day to help them sleep through the night. You can take your dog for walks, play games, teach them tricks, or provide them with interactive toys or puzzles.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine: A consistent bedtime routine can help your dog learn to associate bedtime with sleep. You can give your dog a calm and soothing activity, such as a massage, a cuddle, or a story, before putting them to bed. You can also give your dog a treat or a toy to keep them occupied in their bed.
  • Use positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement can help to discourage unwanted behaviors, such as waking you up at night. You can reward your dog for staying quiet and calm in their bed, and ignore or redirect them when they try to wake you up. You can also use a crate or a gate to prevent your dog from accessing your bedroom if they are persistent.
  • Consult with a professional dog trainer: If you are struggling to address the behavioral causes of your dog’s waking up multiple times a night, a professional dog trainer can help you develop a plan. A dog trainer can assess your dog’s behavior, identify the triggers and motivations, and teach you how to modify your dog’s behavior using positive and humane methods.
dog waking up multiple times a night

Environmental Causes

Another reason why your dog may be waking up multiple times a night is because they are affected by environmental factors. This could be due to a number of factors, such as:

  • Too much light or noise: Too much light or noise can interfere with your dog’s sleep quality, as it can keep them awake or disturb their sleep cycles. This can make your dog wake up multiple times a night to react to the stimuli, such as barking, growling, or investigating.
  • Temperature extremes: Temperature extremes can make your dog feel uncomfortable, as they can make them too hot or too cold. This can make your dog wake up multiple times a night to adjust their position, seek a cooler or warmer spot, or ask for your help.
  • Lack of exercise: Lack of exercise can make your dog feel restless, as they have excess energy that they need to burn off. This can make your dog wake up multiple times a night to release their energy, such as running, jumping, or digging.

If your dog’s waking up multiple times a night is due to environmental causes, there are a number of things you can do to help, such as:

  • Make sure your dog’s bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool: Dogs need a dark, quiet, and cool environment to sleep well. You can use curtains or blinds to block out any light or noise that may be disturbing your dog. You can also use fans, air conditioners, or heaters to regulate the temperature in your dog’s bedroom.
  • Provide your dog with a comfortable bed: Dogs need a comfortable bed to sleep well. You can provide your dog with a bed that suits their size, shape, and preferences. You can also add blankets, pillows, or toys to make your dog feel cozy and secure.
  • Avoid feeding your dog too late or too much: Feeding your dog too late or too much can affect their sleep quality, as it can cause them to have digestive issues or need to go to the bathroom. You can avoid feeding your dog at least three hours before bedtime, and limit the amount of food and water you give them.


As you can see, there are many possible reasons why your dog may be waking up multiple times a night, including medical, behavioral, and environmental factors. The good news is that there are also many possible solutions for this problem, depending on the cause. If you are concerned about your dog’s waking up multiple times a night, you should consult with your vet or dog trainer to find out the best course of action for your dog. By addressing the root cause of your dog’s sleep problem, you can help your dog sleep better and improve their health and happiness.

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